Matthew 6:26-28 New International Version (NIV) 26 Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Matthew sounds a bit arrogant in this passage. However, we know someone else wrote this as all of Jesus' followers did not write the bible. If Matthew had said, Are you not much more valuable than money? It would have been more in step with our times centuries later.

Today we suffer idea men and women. Ways and means of making more and more profit only make those who play this game of (Who can buy the most toys?) 

This false economy and the enslavement of humanity continue only because of the illiteracy, docileness, and naivety in a human belief that it can trust liars, cheats, and thieves. Today we have billionaires that have made themselves rich by lying, cheating, and stealing.

We have idea men and women that are interested in making themselves rich by any means, possible legal or illegal. 
Entrepreneurs do not think of themselves as bad people. That is what they and we have been lead to believe. 

In the parable where Jesus asks the wealthy farmer who invited him and his disciples into his house to partake of a meal at the rich man's table. He asks Jesus if a rich man can attain the kingdom of heaven. But Jesus as the Christ asks him a question first before he answers the rich man's question.

Jesus asked the rich man to treat his workers better by paying them more or giving them equal portions. The rich man became angry believing Jesus to be naive in the matters of business.

In the parable, the rich farmer tells Jesus, "Do I not allow the poor to go into my fields and glean any vegetables or fruit that is left so they may take it?" It is written that the farmer says something further. He tells Jesus that his land was his father's and his father's father and no one would take this land from him. It is mine and will be my son's and in this family for years to come.

Whoever wrote this passage was responding to the idea of equal shares. When equal shares are spoken of it moves any owner of lands or any ownership to think of equality as being part owners of any enterprise, therefore it is understandable that a rich man would be suspicious of his losing his land to partners that might want to take it over.

Greed in humanity's history has been taught and ingrained in every simpleton's head that allows themselves to be brainwashed in the halls of Harvard, Yale, or any other inhumane teaching of abuse, in stealing of the time and labor of others for enriching your own personal fortune.

It remains obvious that each nation's governments do not know how to develop humanity so that formidable progress can be sustained. So far we see it is impossible because governments care more about enriching themselves.

Instead of developing humanity as equals while removing all profit out of the hands of greedy men and women unsuited to make the decisions needed to progress forward. Heads of government embedded in an economy that can only be interpreted as a means to make one's self rich should not lead. That I am sure United States citizens have experienced for themselves these past three years and five months if they are quick learners and can attest to that.

It is possible to transition without destroying the riches of men and women so long as they don't try to buy politicians and corrupt governments. Or try to buy an army and start a war. 

If the rich are fearful of their future they can buy agribusinesses and turn them into a cooperative or collective making all the employees partners. Thereby ensuring they would be known as benefactors and their families would be looked after as equals. It is certain that humanity would allow this with any corporation turning its self into a cooperative or collective. 

Humanity has suffered so many centuries that it has tolerated its self into following and loving some of its leaders that have won peace or lead them to a period of peace. Humanity's progress has been kidnaped for so many centuries denying it a lasting peace that Stockholm Syndrome may have set in for generations. 

Why must we believe that all the profits from any concern go to the one owner who just had the urge, the ambition, the strength of will to see the struggle through to its fruition? Despite the low starvation wages, the refusal of yearly raises, the change of corporation to an interstate company so that overtime need not be paid after a full eight hours work but only until a full forty hours have been worked. 

If lasting peace is to be achieved then it must be negotiated and planned for by humanity its self. There are men and women with integrity and dedication to humanity on this planet that can organize resources.


The enthusiasm the ambition and the success of an entrepreneur's knowledge, skill, and talent in making their idea a winning venture in this world. Especially when their efforts serve the humanity around them. They like today will still be respected, awarded by groups that track their success much like Elon Musk is reported on. 

Most entrepreneurs are not the sharpest tack in the room. Any college grad will tell you that if you have the money you can hire near geniuses that are coming right out of college. Set a product or manufacturing problem in front of them and ask for a solution. Or a promotional task to introduce a product and get the results you need.
If you don't get it you can let them go after having them sign a non-discloser agreement and hire another genius. But you must have the money to do it. 

Some of the best ideas don't use money and are just men and women that get together to think-tank an idea into fruition. 

The abusive practices that professor Richard Wolff describes which have been used in the past and are being used now in the United States must come to an end.
That will happen only if we as citizens make it happen and regulate or rid ourselves of the corporate society together with the Stock Market that adds more and more cost to products and services leaching a parasitical living off of all of our labor and efforts to survive.  

We must learn to work for ourselves and not for an oppressive government or an enslaving economic system. 

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