The implementation of a basic income 
will become more understandable 
when individuals recognize the value 
of their unpaid labor.

This is information that explains the change we are going through in our global economy and points to the path to getting more humanity to participate in democratically established business structures. 

This would force a focus on raising global standards, enacting labor laws for employee safety, establishing a living wage, and establishing a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) of $2,800 per month for every adult citizen in every nation that all nations must follow so they may develop the humanity that is in their charge or residing within their borders. 
Families with children will receive funds comparable to the number of children, the child's age, and health. Once accepted by a college or university, children reaching college age will receive the funds needed to enter the college of their choice. 
If a young adult wishes to work after high school, they will receive the $ 2,800 immediately while they search for their first job.
It is never too early or too late for humanity to organize and work together for the good of our own survival. A species can either be cancer to its host planet or an assistant in promoting the advancement in the health of the planet and all the life on it.

 by: Richard D. Wolf
When Systems Crumble: Looking Beyond Global Capitalism  


from Grassroots Economic Organizing
in August, in Mondragon

We are living in a time of multilingualism. 

Renta Básica en Español

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