April 16, 2020
Over 43,000 US millionaires will get ‘stimulus’ averaging $1.6 million each
April 16, 2020
Over 43,000 US millionaires will get ‘stimulus’ averaging $1.6 million each
First, we have to understand that we are complicit in allowing governments in every nation to create this kind of thinking.
When we allow ourselves to be bamboozled into believing this is normal behavior by believing we are all capable of making ourselves rich we are complicit.
Save the arguments.
Any investment in a company or service, a one-owner company, any corporation of any size, all enterprises that are listed on the stock exchange is nothing more than ill-gotten gains.
Every business that I've listed pays starvation wages in other words you are not being paid what your work is worth.
The fact when we invest through a 401K or just buy a stock we are making money off of other people's labor thereby allowing the businesses I've listed above to pay starvation wages so investors can get paid by the wages stolen from workers. The stock exchange is the most hideous way of starving and killing humanity.
The only way you can be paid a living wage is if you are a partner and have a vote in how much you are to be paid.
We don't have to harm millionaires but we cannot have anyone that is mentally ill to use their ill-gotten gains to buy and corrupt governments so they can deny others their rightful wage or salary just to satisfy an addiction to money. We can initiate laws to prevent millionaires and billionaires from donating to politicians or creating such organizations as Citizens United. If they do, that same law can and will take a third of their money and/or holdings which they will forfeit for attempting to corrupt our society and governments.
The only way we can feel sorry for millionaires and billionaires (no matter that they are viewed as benevolent at times when they pay for correcting a disastrous situation when a storm hits or another catastrophe occurs) by not threatening them and allowing them to keep their money until it runs out.
We can do this because if we succeed in changing the economy by moving every enterprise into collectives or cooperatives we will take care of millionaires and billionaires and their families because of a Universal Basic Income which will be in effect and every past millionaire and billionaire will have to change their lifestyle as they will have access to free education and will need to work.
They could stay unemployed if they choose for we cannot let them starve. The struggle will be hard they will want to reverse go back to cheating the system and hoarding money. There will be a lot of work tracking criminal behavior. It may be that some citizens will look disdainfully at millionaires and billionaires but the rich already look disdainfully at who they believe is below them now; so it will be just a reversal of fortune.
There are billionaires that are a part of our industrial systems that we should and must keep but they will need to understand that survival of humanity demands they adhere to control from humanity whom they serve instead of victimizing. We need to respect their expertise and deal with those with eccentric natures.
There is no reason why a millionaire or billionaire should be in our state or federal governments they are easily bought. Why? Because that is their motivation even if they believe they want to serve the people they are already showing a lack of willpower in not staying out of government where their motive for doing so comes into question.
Right now we have this pandemic that is killing many of our loved ones.
Our focus should be on how to protect ourselves and the rest of humanity whether they are rich or poor.
The Republican Trump Administration and what it had refused to do in giving us a chance to save lives by removing our Fail-Safe Systems initiated by Obama and Biden.
No leadership was their winning model and they lost.
April 16, 2020