All the nations on this planet are at different stages of facing and controlling the coronavirus pandemic and/or other virus issues are displaying concern for their citizens. However, governments should be looked at closely as citizens in the United States have watched the past Trump's administration cruelest and botched-up reaction that killed so many in both the Democratic Blue states and GOP Red states. Still Republicans continued to lie and allowed thoes deaths to happen. 

Were they reacting to the signs in the cosmos and the fact that this is a new millennium? The choice is ours. Do we live peacefully together for a thousand years, or do we perish together?

Citizens can see what our country thinks about us by just reading the newspapers. If our newspapers have honest journalists on their payroll, we will get an answer wheater we can consider it honest or not will be up to us.

It is a time when our souls (if we are one with this planet we call Earth) will become manifest and choose to become caretakers of this planet so that earth does not see us as cancer and rid itself of us.  

The majority of global citizens are for equality and justice for all. But, unfortunately, this equality and justice for all.........are not followed here in the United States by the minority of White Supremacists embedded into every state and federal government represented by the Republican political party. Trump represents the backward-thinking selfish fools who with Russia's help are trying to steal the United States away from the majority of citizens who are the peace-loving true believers and the spirit of this nation. 

"I do not think it probable that working people will be permanently contented with the condition of laboring for wages as their ultimate state. To work for the profit of another, without any interest in the work ...is, not even if the wages are high, a satisfactory state "for" human beings." John Stuart Mill 1848

Rousseau - Man is born free, and everywhere he is in shackles."

In the United States, we faced some of the most vulgar criminal corporate lackeys and an election threatened by Russia, American Nazis, and American-born and bred White Supremacists.

Most of the planet is familiar with our past president of the U. S., Donald Trump, who, with the interference of Russia, stole the election of 2016. And tried to steal the election of 2020.

American citizens should understand that there are two types of candidates in politics, and there are two types of voters today in the United States.

The old-school candidates & voters are of any age, and any gender and believe in the current economy. If elected, they will cater to the corporate society owned by wealthy owners and affluent investors. These candidates are part of the establishment and consider themselves part of the affluent society. The one percent that has humanity entrapped and enslaved in an inequality that prevents progress away from hunger, illiteracy, and war.

The new school candidates & voters are of any age, and any gender who don't believe in the economy we have now and want the power to change hands from the rich to the everyday citizens who will sustain equality for all citizens and will maintain the goal to instill progress in bringing the earth back to a healthy environment and lead the world in ending hunger, illiteracy, and war. 

There are strategies and steps to bring about this change, but the struggle will be against those in power now who will kill without care or concern for who they kill.

Those of us who want to change hearts and minds must not kill. If you have had problems in the past regrading self disapline, ignore and carry on. 

There is a way of controlling corporations. Spain is was introduced to it but is not using it now. For, unfortunately, the conservative party is standing in the way in the United Kingdom, preventing citizens from trying to gain control to legislate the Law of First Refusal.


The law would state,: "When any corporation wants to disband, sell, or move its manufacturing operation to a third-world country, those corporations must give their employees the choice of First Refusal. 

Employees can buy the corporation by simply applying for a loan from the government and changing the corporation into a cooperative, or collective making all employees partners in that cooperative/colleective.

This puts democracy into the workplace and puts control of profits into the rightful hands of the workers.

Who owns and controls the wealth of nations is fundamental to how an economic system functions and in whose interests. 

Liers and cheates have hood-winked humanity for centuries into believing the lie that all profits belong to the one who collects all the profits from sells and distributs it to the workers, pays all the bills, and collects for penchants or retirements. 


Humanity must learn to work for itself and cut out the selfish men and women that plague us with an inequality that kills many.

Governments are corrupted by Big Oil and other polluters like the Koch brother's plants and Monsanto, who are against any Universal Basic Income.
They are against UBI because it would allow for the organizing of walkouts by employees and boycotts to prevent polluting corporations from operating their planet-killing operations. While still collecting profits.

So, we have been fooled into believing idea men and women, along with the opulent rich who have hoarded their money, own the world and think they're entitled to run this world by corrupting governments by passing laws we must follow or be abused unto death if we don't.

But the truth is workers operate everything in this world, and there is a way to put control of everything in the hands of humanity and not allow the greedy, ignorant, fascists, and warmongers to have it in their hands again.

Educating citizens away from believing it is normal to allow capitalism to run unregulated and having the gluttonous callous, wealthy one percent exist and rule corruptly will destroy the planet and humanity along with it. 

It would be good for us to know that the solution is active and organized.