How do we end the inequality that threatens
humanity with enslavement by the rich and powerful? First, we can change
capitalism to not abuse society while still using it during the transformation.
Second, we can keep the rich from fearing retaliation as they are still an
instrumental segment of our communities. It is only their sickness
and love of hoarding money that they feel they must use for their own
protection that we need to point out to them. Nevertheless, they are still a
part of society, and many are industrialists and engineers, scientists, and
manufacturers. They are the geniuses that are our inventors and motivators
of enterprise humanity will need for decades to come.
The loss of Oligarchs that are cruel, abusive, sadistic, and megalomaniacal
will not be a loss to humanity. Humanity on this planet deserves to be loved
and served, not abused unto death.
The ego of oligarchs, their selfishness, and runaway delusion of
self-worth that they and we have been nurtured into believing is natural
and should be allowed, thereby blinding much of humanity to the starvation and
death of millions through hunger, illiteracy, and genocidal wars.
By adapting citizens in all nations to form
and work within collectives and cooperatives as partners in any industry will lead
us to value each other and help to remove our belief in a monetary
system of an insidious oppressive and abusive corporate society.
Hope is a tease designed to prevent us from seeing reality. The
struggle will be enormously complex. We are against money, the root of all
kinds of evil and the weapon of choice for those who believe they are the
masters of humanity. The instant they are opposed to humanity's freedom to
choose freedom from want and a path to higher learning and a
sustainable civilization.......we will know that they are the ones who have
lost all grasp of sanity.
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